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Cotswold Cloister

Making an inviting route to this lovely house both practical and beautiful was the brief from clients in the Cotswolds. Surrounded by stone buildings on three sides, paths were laid with gaps for creeping thyme and marjoram. The slightly awkward shape of the garden was manipulated by the shape of the borders so that the whole garden felt convincingly symmetrical, although the plan shows this is far from the case. The planting is billowing, soft and very English, with structure provided by clipped box and small standard trees.

Before Image

before photo

After Images

garden design
garden arch
after photo
Design Plan Cotswold Cloister copy

The Studio, Taxus, Smiths Lane, Snitterfield, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. CV37 OJZ

Email: Office: 01789 731478 Mobile: 077426 37144

Copyright: Sally Hopkinson 2024

Site designed by: Michael Wright

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